If you are looking to hit the stage yourself to compete in physique shows, then this is for you. This program extensively covers what it takes to get to stage ready. Offering a unmatched level of expertise as it relates to training, nutrition and navigating a contest prep successfully.

Contest Prep

Team Sourav understands the degree of commitment that is required prior to stepping on stage, allowing him to understand the relationship between both the athlete and the expectations of the chosen bodybuilding federation(s)
  • Contest prep physiology
  • Pre-requisites for competing
  • Planning and setting up a contest prep
  • Diet strategies for physique sports
  • Fatigue/stress management strategies
  • Adjusting training/cardio
  • Comprehensive posing guide
  • Peaking protocols
  • Preparing for show day
  • Post competition recovery
  • Setting up off season training and diet